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Congressional Record publishes “H.R. 3684” in the Senate section on Aug. 1

Politics 4 edited

Volume 167, No. 136, covering the 1st Session of the 117th Congress (2021 - 2022), was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“H.R. 3684” mentioning Bill Cassidy was published in the Senate section on pages S5236-S5237 on Aug. 1.

Of the 100 senators in 117th Congress, 24 percent were women, and 76 percent were men, according to the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress.

Senators' salaries are historically higher than the median US income.

The publication is reproduced in full below:

H.R. 3684

Mr. PORTMAN. Mr. President, I concur with the comments of my colleague from Arizona. She put it well.

This is a really important bill because it takes our aging and outdated infrastructure in this country and modernizes it, and that is good for everybody. It is good for the truckdriver who can leave home, knowing he is going to be safer on our roads and bridges. It is good for the mom who commutes to work and is sick of waiting in rush-hour traffic on the way to work and on the way back because she would rather spend more time with her kids. It is good for the factory worker in Ohio who makes things that need to be transported. We make tanks in Ohio; we make cars in Ohio; we make washing machines. They go all over the world. Our ports--our land ports and our seaports--are inefficient and backed up. It is good for our consumers who are waiting for products from all over the world because our ports are backed up.

Our infrastructure is way behind, and we will talk a lot more about that over the next couple of days with some very specific data as to how we have fallen behind, how we are not competitive anymore, how China has surpassed us in terms of infrastructure. As a percent of their economy, they spend about four times more than we do. Why? Because they get it. This helps make the economy more efficient, more productive, and, therefore, it actually returns an investment to the American people.

We are also going to hear about how it is not going to increase inflation like some of the other spending that is being talked about around here, partly because it is long-term spending for capital assets. It is spending that is going to add to the supply side, meaning it is actually going to be counterinflationary and create more jobs. We hear all about that, but one thing that I do want to make sure that we hear about tonight is the fact that this process of starting from the center out has worked.

People have talked about infrastructure in this city forever. President Trump had a $1.5 trillion infrastructure package. Ours is

$550 billion, by the way. Five percent of his was paid for. Ours is paid for. We made a commitment early on that we were going to do two things: One, we were going to focus on core infrastructure. So, when President Biden introduced a $2.65 trillion bill and called it infrastructure, we said: Well, there is some good stuff in there, but let's pull out the good stuff, the core infrastructure because a lot of it had nothing to do with infrastructure. And, second, we said: You know what? We are not going to do it by raising taxes. We are not going to hurt the American worker more and make America less competitive in this; we are going to do just the opposite.

We kept to those two principles, and I am so proud of that; that tonight we can say the amendment, the substitute amendment, is going to be offered, and it is going to keep to that commitment of $555 billion--no new taxes, core infrastructure only--and it is great for the American people.

I want to thank a few people who got us here who are going to be able, over the next few days, to tell us in great detail of the role they played because it was significant on every one of their parts.

First, of course, Senator Sinema; she has been the one who has kept us on track, and that has been very important, but also to my colleagues who are here tonight on the floor, Senator Susan Collins, Senator Lisa Murkowski, Senator Mitt Romney, Senator Bill Cassidy--my Republican colleagues whom we have worked with over the last 4 months--

and each has made huge contributions to this.

I want to thank the White House for their work with us because they said early on: OK. We want to do this, too, in a bipartisan way.

We said: OK. If you are serious, we do too.

And, sure enough, we negotiated. It was tough, and we had a lot of differences, but we were able to get to this point tonight.

Just as important is the group on the other side of the aisle who made this work, and I see my colleague Senator Manchin here. I see Senator Warner here. It looks like he really wants to speak. I see Senator Shaheen here, who is about to speak, and I see Senator Tester wandering around here somewhere. These are the folks on the other side of the so-called G-10 who made it happen.

And then a much bigger group. So to my colleagues who also helped in the 22 working groups we had in putting this together and did such a great job, Richard Burr, Lindsey Graham, Mike Rounds, Thom Tillis, Jerry Moran, Chris Coons, Maggie Hassan, John Hickenlooper, Mark Kelly, Angus King, Jacky Rosen--11 Democrats and 11 Republicans.

And then, to my friends who took us over the top the other night on the first vote we had on this, I appreciate them because they were not involved as much on the details, but they know this is the right thing for the country, and many of them did help to get us where we are: Kevin Cramer, Mike Crapo, Mitch McConnell, Roy Blunt, Chuck Grassley, John Hoeven, Jim Risch.

Folks, we wouldn't be here without every one of them, and we thank all of the folks who have put so much time and effort into this.

And, mostly, we got to thank our staffs because none of us would be here standing tonight, doing this, if we didn't have staff who had been working their hearts out, staying here until 12 midnight, ensuring that every single thing in this bill has been looked over carefully to make sure that we got it right.

And we are getting it right tonight for the American people, for our economy, and for the future of our great country.

I yield to my colleague from Virginia.

The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Virginia


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 167, No. 136



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